Poetry Nights at the MAC: Sibelan Forrester
Thursday, March 21
6 – 7:30 PM Writing Workshop
7:30 – 9 PM Reading & Open Mic
Full Event: $25
Open Mic Only: $10
Part of the Poetry Nights At The MAC series!
About the workshop:
What can the esoteric sciences offer to our poetry? Both inspiration or ideas and (as Carl Jung noted) a rich context of symbols. In this workshop we will quickly consider a few systems (astrology, numerology, palmistry, tea leaves, Tarot) to see what poetic responses they provoke, from meditation to rejection.
Featured Poet Bio:
Sibelan Forrester has been writing poetry since childhood; her book Second-Hand Fatescame out from Parnilis Media. She has hosted the First Wednesday reading series at the Community Arts Center in Wallingford, PA, for the Mad Poets Society since 2016; she has published translations of fiction, poetry and scholarly prose from Croatian, Russian, Serbian and (poetry only) Ukrainian. In her day job she teaches at Swarthmore College.