Open Spaces Project


December 16, 2021 (MEDIA, PA) — The Media Arts Council (MAC) received funding from the Rotary Foundation of Media and the Rotary Club of Media to design and execute a public art project marking many of Media’s parks and open spaces. 

This public art project is a collaboration with the Borough of Media to increase awareness, usage, and enjoyment of Media’s open spaces. MAC Gallery Artists, Carrie Barcomb, Laurie Doran, and Shannan McConnell designed and are creating the markers, each of which stands about 5-feet tall. 

Susan Garrison of the Media Rotary Foundation said, “Our club and foundation worked together to support this unique project which showcases both MAC and local artists and some of Media’s great assets – its wonderful open spaces – while also highlighting Rotary as a true partner with the Media community.”  

The unique and original markers reflect the character of each park, unified in incorporating MAC’s signature and the Rotary logo. The marker for Heritage Park is installed, with the markers for Philip Green Park, Houtman Park, Trusty Tot Lot, and Media Elementary School to follow. Markers for Media Borough, Barrall Field, Glen Providence Park, Manchester Park, Diamond Park, Jaisohn Park, and the Water Tower Park will complete the series. 

“We value our open spaces in the Borough, and we are so pleased to collaborate with MAC and Rotary to enhance these community assets with engaging public art. It’s truly this type of cross-sector collaboration that helps to make Media ‘Everybody’s Hometown,’” said Brittany Forman, Media Borough Manager.  

MAC is behind several public art projects throughout the Borough, including the recent mural at Glen Providence Park, Endeavor on the Plum Street Mall, the traffic-calming mural at Third and Jackson Streets, and others.


Traffic Calming Project


Hepford Park Mural